Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still Here

Almost May and we've been silent as the grave over here in little old Mildura.

There's no excuses for it really but we're back and that's the first step.

There have been some changes, we are now a private space that opens only on Market days, the third Sunday of the month and of course you are welcome to drop in when we are hanging around and getting some stuff done. We also attend more markets!

Red Cliffs, Stall 25 in Barkley Square, First Sunday of the month!

Patchwork Markets, St Josephs Sacred Heart Hall, Saturday May 26 (I think)

Merbein, The Ink Table, Third Sunday of the Month

And maybe more to come as time goes on!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Closed Saturday, Open Sunday

image via

Due to some personal committments we are swapping the days this week!

CLOSED Sat 20th, OPEN for market day Sun 21st!

Sorry if this inconveniences anyone!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Saturday in the studio!

It's been another busy Saturday in the studio and we've been organising our fabric, tutu-ing it up and generally having a creative time

I made us a sandwich board sign from some staff planners and a childs blackboard while mum made tutu's and baby boots :)

Can't wait for you to come in and see them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to begin..

"All you have to do is write one true sentence.
Write the truest sentence you know." - Ernest Hemingway


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poetic Justice Publishing

Hey ho,

PJP is having their first meeting this TUESDAY the 2nd at 7pm and we're going to shake things up a bit.

Let's do away with Tuesday Meetings and instead, let's meet at The Office or Enjoy wine for an hour and read poetry, prose, stories or just drink a coffee in good company.

Let's make stuff on Saturday afternoons! and not just any stuff, let's make a BOOK! Let's not worry about trying to run workshops and events and everything, Janelle can do that.

Come and join us. Come and read the stuff you write when you dream, come and make the book you want to read! Come and celebrate that book at the Mildura Writers Festival!

Let's drop all the crap that's disillusioning all of us and Make Something we can be proud of!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

A new year

Table shots from our first market in Merbein for 2010. It was a lovely day, not too hot for once!

Well peeps, 2010 is here and there's no avoiding it any longer.
My mum has moved to Mildura and we've been busy unpacking but stopped long enough to have some studio time during the week and of course we were open Saturday, 10-4, just like the door says.

We also had our first market and it was a lovely day spent with michelle, roweena, and her three kids who had their skirt stall 'a bit of skirt' with us. You'll hear more about them later.
But for now it's adieu,